So my brother in-law just finished paying off his 86 A/T last month (10/17/2023)…finally after 6 years lol. Purchased brand new with 10 miles. Loves the car bone stock, never abused or tracked. 61,100 miles on the dash. This saturday, driving it as normal, noticed a “ticking” sound coming from the engine bay. Pulled over and popped the hood, and the ticking was a bit more noticeable. got back on the car and pump some gas. About 30 mins later, the car died on me and hasnt turned on since. The car hasnt given me any issues till this saturday. WTH. Any ideas? blown motor?

The car turned on again but it has no power. And eventually dies again. Got it towed to Toyota where we bought it from. And this is their findings…

Pretty upset. Extended warranty expired 3 months ago.

The plan is to go talk to some kind of manager to see if they can work with us. This is our 4th Toyota purchased from their dealer in the last 10 years. All paid off. What are our chances to get anywhere?

  • Yoav_Traeger@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Sad story. Somehow the products that fail, always seem to fail as soon as the warranty is over. Hopefully the dealership will help. If not, you may need to approach Toyota corporate directly, perhaps with a lawyer. You shouldn’t have such catastrophic damage with such low mileage if you can prove it was maintained by the book.