Funny aside, ziq hates me :D

  • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
    10 months ago

    Another “both-sides” banger by ziq.

    “Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce.”

    This is a useless definition of fascism. It describes basically any existing political-economic system. Even an anarchist system falls under it. Unless your anarchist system wouldn’t maintain a monopoly on political power, forcibly suppress people trying to destroy it, and not have control over industry and commerce?

    I don’t really know where to begin with this essay. To try to take it apart point by point would take ages and it just hits on all the same points that liberals do anyway (and uses the same sources). I’m just tired of fighting with anarchist comrades. Maybe when the struggle gets to the point that this shit actually matters we can try to resolve our contradictions. Until then I’m fine working with anarchists in actual real life work that matters.

    Funny aside, ziq hates me :D

    Yeahh, zig hates everyone btw lol. They’re one of those ridiculous “anti-civ” “anarchists” who basically exist solely online. Have you read their essays where they advocate for ending organized agriculture and returning to a hunter-gatherer subsistence lifestyle? Lmao