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The original was posted on /r/overclocking by /u/SomeDude420696969 on 2023-11-13 16:35:44+00:00.

My rig: Cpu: Ryzen 5500 (base clock is 3.6 and it boosts to 4.25) 2 fan air cooler Ram: 32gb 3200mhz MOBO: MSI b450 max with updated bios Gpu: RTX 4070 (just upgraded) 850W I use HWM monitor to see the voltages and clock speeds. Max load right now only goes up to 55-60°

I have PBO enabled but I’ve seen some people clock theirs to 4.65 with 1.3v or a little less.

Wondering how I should attempt 4.5ghz or so because I notice some bottlnecking with the 4070 I already know it isn’t the best pairing of my cpu and gpu but any help on how I should safely do some overclocks would be nice. Thanks.