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The original was posted on /r/overclocking by /u/CariocaMasNaoExerco7 on 2023-11-13 17:28:24+00:00.

Can someone assist me in solving the issue I am facing with applying the IMON values?

Here’s the issue: even though I have changed the IMON values using RU.efi, they do not seem to be applied. I have tried various combinations of IMON Slope (always between 50-99) and IMON Offset, but they do not seem to be taken into account when I monitor.

I observe: EC’s Long PL keeps limiting my power to 15W in processes that do not use the dGPU, and 10W in processes that use the dGPU, at the same temperatures and frequencies as it would do by default. HWiNFO64’s also confirm these voltages of 15W and 10W shown on ThrottleStop are real. Therefore, if the IMON Slope and Offset were applied, the real voltages should be 28W and 21W, respectively, given the Slope of 75% and the Offset of -6000mV. If the edits were implemented, there would also be an increase in average temperatures and frequencies.

However, I was able to unlock the under-volt by changing the CFG Lock and Overclocking Lock values using the same method (using RU.efi). So why are IMON values not being applied?

One more piece of information to add is that I only have one IMON Slope location in the BIOS.