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The original was posted on /r/overclocking by /u/ButchyBanana on 2023-11-13 18:53:55+00:00.
I have a Ryzen 3 3200G, I first set it to 3800mhz (from 3600) and 1.2V using Ryzen Master. Afterwards performance in games was greatly improved, and it didn’t reach 60 degrees in Cinebench, so I went into bios to set it there. I set voltage to 1.2V, clock to 3800, and left Soc Voltage on auto. But now when I boot up and check Ryzen master or HWInfo, they both tell me the cpu is running at a constant 1.4V which I don’t want. What did I do wrong? How do I make it 1.2 and not 1.4?
Edit: More issues have appeared - I went back to bios and set all the OC stuff back to “auto” because 1.4 seems dangerous to me. After going back to windows, the CPU is STILL running at 1.4V and getting clock speeds above the stock 3600MHz. I thought it’s some issue with Ryzen Master, so I set it back to “Default” control mode and uninstalled, but the issue persists. How do I lower my voltage?