First schools in 1200.
First Uni in Uppsala 1477.
Compulsory education to the lower classes in form of oral education by the priest about the bible and two prayers was from 1400.
First secondary level education in 1623. Compulsory reading abilities by all classes from 1723
Then compulsory formal 4 years school education by all by 1842.
By 1858 they changed the first 2 years of the formal school to compulsory primary education focusing on basic reading abilites when it turned out many could still not read.
First schools in 1200.
First Uni in Uppsala 1477.
Compulsory education to the lower classes in form of oral education by the priest about the bible and two prayers was from 1400.
First secondary level education in 1623. Compulsory reading abilities by all classes from 1723
Then compulsory formal 4 years school education by all by 1842.
By 1858 they changed the first 2 years of the formal school to compulsory primary education focusing on basic reading abilites when it turned out many could still not read.