Where do I even begin? This one will be long(I’ll be talking about Serbia, Bosnia and Balkans in general, but mostly Serbia because I live here currently):

The situation in this country and neighboring ones is catastrophic at best as you all know, it’s just a common knowledge, it’s not the average ‘‘bad country situation’’ because of capitalism case, no it’s pure hell with no way out… The government is fucking us for 30 years, we almost became lower class citizens in our own country in comparison to Anglos and their puppets, yankee ambassador talks shit out of his ass almost every day threatening people with statements non-stop and no one is doing shit about it, if this were a normal country, he would be expelled and in plane on the way to DC on day 1! They sell and privatize property of the people instead of nationalizing everything, giving it to yankees, Anglos, Saudis, French, Germans etc to buy and exploit while our people have barely enough salaries for bills, average salary is 200$-300$, ones who are lucky get 400$ max while my mother had 1000$ marks in 1980s in SFRY! And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Westoids can do whatever they want in our own country and no one is doing anything about it!!

Government while pretending to be ‘‘both sides’’ basically deepthroats EU and said countries above, the citizens who do the same don’t help either, gives 40$ million to church every year for their golden temples and jeeps that priests drive while many people go to them like sheeps for shearing and leave them even more money instead of spending it on their families and themselves! Not to mention the church who turns nazi-collaborators, fascists and war criminals into saints and give them monuments and calling for women to have 18-19th century rights and just ‘‘birth more babies’’ while calling men to ‘‘just get married and have wife’’. While we have fascist hordes on streets with black flags with skulls calling for killing of other people of ex-Yugoslavia and 50 other ethnic minorities and sexual orientations. The west bootlickers aren’t enough, we have the most people who support Russia by far, but at the same time many of them are just fascist-monarchists who hate USSR and Lenin, yes, Lenin is the most hated man here, not Stalin like usually with ‘‘billion-trillion victims idiots’’ but Lenin, because he overthrew their precious genocidal monarchy and they can’t shut up about it 100+ years later, they are the worse than Russian monarchists and Empire worshippers themselves! As for the atheists, we are basically lynched… You can’t celebrate Halloween in peace without ‘‘ummm achually today is not Halloween, that’s Irish, we celebrate Luke the Evangelist feast day!’’ Some even don’t know that it’s from Ireland, they think that ‘‘USA invented various celebrations including Halloween to destroy our religion and culture with their satanic stuff’’. My other side of the family celebrates the feast day on 31 and they don’t have nothing against us, the best part was when my brother donned Myers mask last year at night, walked to their house and pranked them and guests, they laughed and had nothing against us celebrating it, while the average people want to lynch you if you carve the damn pumpkin! Then there is ‘‘don’t work on Sundays’’ respect every damn religious ritual in the year, respect priests etc etc. Doesn’t help that I’m goth either…

There are barely ‘‘based people’’ here, either it’s Russia supporters but fascist-monarchists, west bootlickers, or pure nationalists who hate everyone west and Russia alike. Except older people who lived during Tito, there are basically no based people among young ones here, if you find them consider yourself lucky, even in my mega based family where I have based grannies, grandpas, parents(divorced but both based and agreeing on politics), brothers, sisters and cousins, we still have a nephew who is racist nazi(haven’t heard him in a while, maybe he fixed, don’t know) and a few ‘‘cases’’ in extended family.

Then there are criminals, pedophiles and drug dealers walking free because our law is shit, just before a few days a girl in second class in one school in Belgrade accidentally activated tear gas she had in her bag and turned the classroom into gas chamber so everyone had to go out for air, even police came. Turns out her parents give it to her because of pedophiles for protection, she is 2nd grade in middle school!! No one is doing anything about criminals here, Ukronazis flooded the city now during these months, just before few days some were arrested because they were doing shit in the center, some stole stuff from people, take over the empty flats and homes while we have plenty of homeless people!!! No one does nothing about Roma children on streets sleeping in carton boxes, but UKRONAZIS ARE LIVING IN EMPTY HOMES FOR FREE AND DO SHIT AROUND LIKE IT’S THEIR COUNTRY!!! No one expelled them, no one forbid them to enter and made them to back their victim-playing assess in their country where they genocided the Donbass and other Russian people for 8 years just because they speak in another accent of the same language!! Immigrants who run from their destroyed countries by the west in Middle East are the biggest problem, while literal nazis are just fine! And then there are Russians escaping mobilization and talking about ‘‘freedom to escape ‘’’‘Putin’s’’‘’’ war’’ thanking us for letting them in, get back and defend your country against westoid expansion and defend your people in your country, I want to see you in tank here, not coming to cry about your country defending it’s people from genocide and aggression.

War is on the edge of breaking out here too, with Kosovo and Metohija and all, recently drone was shot over Raška and it’s getting hot down there and everything, it’s not the question whether or not war will brake out, it’s the question when… Well, nothing special, it’s Balkans, but when it does, there will be no side to fight, to fight for better future, I’ll do it if I get to stand against yankees and their genocidal imperialist machine and if they come at my doorstep, otherwise, for what? Revolution has 00,01% chances for happening, who will fight? Old retired people or people in their 50s? Who will fight for the better future, westoid bootlicking youth or fascist ultra religious monarchists? Even if we somehow overthrow the government, what next, who comes next in place? What can you expect from this or any ex-Yugoslav countries? In Bosnia it’s better by about maximum 10% but more or less the same. My sister from Macedonia just told me yesterday that their government is full of Shqiptars who worship USA and want to make ‘‘great Albania’’, basically steal territory from all of us including Greece, that people voted against North Atlantic Terrorist Organization in referendum, but government entered anyways in 2020 and became a western puppet. Montenegro literally the same. Croatia and Slovenia, well double up the nazism from Serbia and Montenegro and everything is explained.

That’s about it, almost everyone in my family, friends and everyone who I know is depressed or in bad situation in any way, more or less, I’m the worst one with my brother being close, my sister tries to cheer us up a little, especially me but it doesn’t do much.

I’m really sorry for long rant, but what remained of previous great country has no bright future or future at all nor can we hope for it…

  • TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I’m so sorry, comrade.

    I wish I could help you in a meaningful way. We’re here for you if you ever need to rant or talk.