Beau is Afraid was the last one I recall. I think it was mostly the latter half of the movie where I started to get a bit confused and needed the ending explained to me.

What movies made you look up some kind of explanation afterwards? I feel like I have done it several times in the past for more surreal movies but can’t think of any other examples.

It can also be a TV show.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    11 months ago


    The time travel thing with Ben Affleck was written by the same guy as Blade Runner and Total Recall? Whoa.

    I guess I’ll also have to see Imposter and The Crystal Crypt; they’re the only two on that list I’ve not seen or even heard of before now, but everything else was pretty cool.