I have a man cold and taking my usual bowl of chicken soup washed down with a Lemsip Max but now I’m thinking… if the main ingrediant of a Lemsip is paracetamol, why don’t I just have a paracetamol? It’d cost alot less.

Whats the point of a Lemsip other than the paracetamol?

Thank you.

Now that you’ve read this, you now have a cold sorry thats just how this one works.

  • wiccan2@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Pretty much, it’s paracetamol, caffeine and a decongestant. All things that are normally cheaper as tablets.

    See: https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/product/5620/smpc

    I’ve always hated the taste of Lemsip because of the paracetamol, don’t understand how people can stand it.

    I just take some tablets and have a mug of hot lemon/honey, the hot drink helps with congestion and the honey soothes a sore throat. Lemsip just mashes it all up into one powder.