Why Linux is portrayed as a Penguin?

  • jelloeater - Ops Mgr@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Holy smokes. 1000x this. You want Linux to be popular, stop gatekeeping it and being a hipster. OSX is a great example of how to make a Unix like OS popular with NORMAL people.

    Grandma doesn’t care what kernel she’s running and … Hint hint, neither do I. I just want my computer to work and be easy to maintain.

    I run Ubuntu, not because it’s the best, but became it just works. I might swap to Mint or PopOS, but that takes time out of my life which I’d rather spend coding or working out.

    You want Linux to win on the desktop, you have to get manufacturers to make it the default, and good luck getting Dell or HP to change.

    Heck most folks don’t even own a computer now a days.

    Be happy Android won on mobile and Linux won on servers. ❤️