Often times, people misidentify politics as two rich assholes in suits arguing about something that doesn’t affect them. Speaking in tongues (specifically in economics) designed to confuse and make it seem like the average person can’t participate. This is not the case. Politics is nothing more than how humans relate and organize with each other and how we set up human society. It is NOT putting a piece of paper in a box every 2 or 4 years. It is not duking it out and arguing. That may be a part of it, but it is not the whole.

It’s everything you need - food production, water conservation, shelter and environmental regulations. It’s everything you want - makeup, technology, cars, poop emoji pillows. All of it falls under the umbrella of modern society, the factors of production, and ultimately is political.

With that being said, it is not possible to be an “apolitical” human being in today’s world. If you’re reserved when it comes to your beliefs, or God forbid “don’t have any” you’re not being “unbiased” or above everyone who isn’t. You are simply choosing not to care or share your thoughts about the controversial, important issues that are constantly debated/need to be acted on in society. Your lack of input on the situation is a political statement in itself, and not a good one. You are showing you are either not affected by it, or are affected and just don’t care/believe you can make a change. Either way, you still participate in society without talking or doing anything about these things, and that is radical.

Point being, we must try to keep others from being a silent centrist/apolitical/moderate and actually stand firm in their beliefs. The time for reserved “agree to disagree” and voting for shit capitalist parties every few years passed long ago. We need to organize, come to basic agreements on what we all as a working class believe, and act on it.

I think we communists need to be more open and vocal about our beliefs, because we are running out of time. I don’t care that we live in a fascist hellhole (I am in the US). We’re in more long-term danger living the status quo than we are uniting with those around us to fight it.

Join a socialist/workers’ organization, help with mutual aid, and don’t be afraid bring up the difficult things. Don’t be obnoxious, but don’t just let this “difference in opinion, so I am not going to talk about it” mindset destroy the planet and humanity. Don’t let others stick their heads in the sand or doom about “there’s nothing we can do” - that thinking will just get us all killed anyways.

  • galloog1@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    First, the term radical is defined as change at a fundamental level. Not wanting change is not radical.

    Second, if you try to force someone to change that does not want it, you are much more likely to push them away and into the hands of someone else. This is where fascism as a reaction to the left comes from.