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The original was posted on /r/ukpersonalfinance by /u/bertieruffles on 2023-10-07 16:11:55.

Bit of background. I was freelance the first 10 years of my career and had no pension. Became staff at a place with great pension plan in 2011 and now have £120k tucked away.

Problem is, I knew very little about pensions and just left it in the default company fund until 3 years ago and it’s only averaged about 1% interest.

I moved it into different funds in 2020, then covid hit. Then recession. Current cumulative interest is about 3% and as of about 4 months ago it’s now split between about 17 different funds of varying risk.

I earn 85k per year gross, with around 12k bonus.

St James Place tried to get me to sign up a few years ago but they seemed like sharks. I also spoke with The Private Office to see what they’d offer, but everyone wants a healthy percentage.

Basically any suggestions as to what the F I should do with it? That’ll give me the best return. I’m not averse to risk, don’t want to invest in too many shady funds/companies and quite like the idea of ESG, but not tied to it.

If you were me, with that pension, what would you do to get the highest returns?