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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/Effective_Cherry_175 on 2023-10-07 13:31:18.

I’m currently pregnant with my second baby. During the pregnancy with my first I had a very rough labour. I went into hospital when my labour began but was only 2cm, I didn’t get sent home due to the baby having 2 major heart rate drops whilst I was being monitored.

The problems started when me and my husband were left in the room with only the trainee midwife. I was hyper stimulated - meaning my contraction were intense and irregular as a negative response from my body towards the labour. I was taking the gas and air and she said “You don’t need to take the gas and air if your not having contractions” I told her I was still feeling pain but she insinuated I was using the gas and air for “fun”

It took the lead midwife to come into the room and notice I was hyper stimulated and my baby was in severe distress. I was also trying to stay hydrated during labour and went through 2L of water, she continuously made comments about how much I was drinking and my toilet breaks. During a conversation with my husband we discussed my concerns about a c section as I worried that was what my labour would lead to due to the circumstances. She interrupted and said “atleast your genitals won’t be damaged, better to be cut on ur tummy than your vagina”

At this point I had completely lost it and had enough. I told her that her job is not to judge my every action during labour, make me feel uncomfortable and comment her opinions about what I should and shouldn’t feel comfortable with. I admit I did swear but I couldn’t help it I was in so much pain and she had pushed me over the edge, I lost my composure and had her escorted out of the room.