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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/BigInstruction9948 on 2023-10-07 01:56:04.

We have been dating for about 3 months and our relationship and sex life has been fantastic. We spend a lot of time together laughing, doing fun things, lounging around and having lots of sex. She orgasms at least once nearly every time we get intimate including with penetrative sex. She has even told me that I am the best sex she’s ever had (idk if I 100% buy it but still, it’s clear the sex is good for her).

Thing is, I’ve been on Cialis nearly every time we’ve had sex. The sexual side effects of my antidepressants as well as some preexisting performance anxiety led me to get the prescription. The fact that I like her so much and worry about not performing for her led me to taking it.

I feel terrible that I’ve kept her in the dark about this, but I’m also scared to tell her after all this time. What i’m thinking I’ll do is just stop taking the Cialis and see how it goes. If I have performance issues then maybe I’ll come clean about them and if I’m going to need to take Cialis in the future I’ll be honest about it.