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The original was posted on /r/aitah by /u/pinksunflowerss on 2023-10-06 18:13:56.

I need some genuine insight on a friend I have. I know how people on here can be a little mean so I want to preface this by saying that I’m not trying to be childish and just cut this person off, however from a spiritual standpoint some things just don’t sit right with me.

So I’m 25 and my fiancé is 25. He introduced me to his best friends girlfriend who is 25 also because they wanted us to be close.

First, I feel as though she can be competitive. For example, I’ll tell her me and my fiancé went somewhere on a trip and she’ll respond by saying “I need to get ___ his passport so we can travel too” or “oh I went there a few years ago”. While doing this she doesn’t even respond to what I told her so it comes off as a one up or competitive type mentality. The competitiveness seems to be mostly about our relationships too which is so weird to me. I typed her fiancés name in my search bar on iMessage to make sure I wasn’t tripping and 200+ messages popped up of her mentioning him alone this year. Her response to anything I say is to respond with something that they did similar and a lot of times I don’t even mention my fiancé or I.

She’s also planned several trips with me and will cancel at the last minute. I could understand if something comes up but at least twice she went on another trip for those same dates which comes off as completely disregarding my time!

I got my bachelors, she told me she’d come to the graduation and didn’t show or give an explanation on why. She watched my Facebook stories all day then ended up texting me around 10pm that night to say congratulations but still no explanation of why she was a no show when she knew I had limit tickets and one was designated to her. Yet expects us to constantly show up and support them.

I said all this to say I’ve been considering blocking her because of the weird vibes but for one, I don’t want to offend her. And 2 I don’t want things to get weird between the 4 of us. I could be reading too deep into it so I want genuine feedback on if I’d be the AH for cutting her off? They’re getting married in March and I’ve been saying I’d go but at this point I’m extremely uncomfortable.