Recently drove in Scotland where built up areas generally have 20mph speed limits. I found It made little difference in overall journey time Felt safer, stopping distance much reduced Easier to join the traffic Similar speed as cyclists Felt safer and more relaxed as a pedestrian, easier to cross the road
I’d rather have 20 mph as the minimum speed limit
👍 If everyone has to keep their cars going above 20mph we wouldn’t need so much parking everywhere.
Won’t need so many nurseries or schools either. Actually, if you can’t stop, how are you going to refuel? Maybe we won’t need gas stations either.
Trash heaps are going to get big though.
It’s amazing the level of entitlement people suddenly have as soon as they sit in the driver’s seat.
You’d think that driving is a god given right.
The idea that someone can fail their test 10 times, but get lucky once and then they’re allowed to drive is crazy.
Yeah people should have regular retests. Rules and best practices change over time as well.
Most people shouldn’t drive. The idea that a large portion of the population gets up and drives at the beginning and end of the day when they are most tired and the roads are busiest is pretty crazy. If only there was some sort of mass transportation system???
I passed mine first try, but I’m still not sure it’s a wise idea to let me loose on the road