Hello, the past few weeks i have been a little stressed. I tried to meditate but most generic techniques dont work for me, do you have any that worked?

  • beefbot@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    11 months ago

    Hi, late to this but like the heptapods say in Arrival there is no time, so if this helps :

    • tldr: try lots, repeat one you like, expect nothing

    • I tried many meditation things right before my adult diagnosis, I’d say they all helped

    • tldr most of them are : 1. quietly pay attention to your breath in your nose 2. notice you started paying attention to something else 3. return your attention to your breath (repeat 2,3,2,3…)

    • I’ve heard no meditation “works” right away or is easy to notice, like meds or a sugar soda, it’s quiet, you can’t tell it did anything

    • specifically: started w a very short guided one, any “3 minute meditation deepak chopra” is more or less the same, here is one : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Io5r7U6CR_o

    • tried several til found one I liked, it called it a simple meditative “procedure” so, like at a doctor’s, I just did what the calm nice expert said to do

    • I liked it so it was easy to repeat repeat repeat . If I didn’t like it, it would have been a chore :(

    • they say everyone’s always meditating “wrong” , when you lose focus you just suddenly realize you were off in a story, I’d used to get mad at myself for Doing It Wrong but slowwwwly got past the annoying extra chore of blaming myself, took foreeeever

    • not forever. after ~1y I tried a ten day silent meditation camp, “Vipassana”, key part SILENT. TEN DAYS OF NO ONE SPEAKING OR EXPECTING SOCIAL CONTACT FROM YOU, INCL EYE CONTACT. the teacher talks 3x/day to show you how but that’s it. nope not my crappy loud demanding phone either. ABSOLUTE BLISS.

    • I think for n-typicals Vipassana is extreme. I’d never call it easy, it’s WORK, it’s boring and stupid, irritating, cold, and lonely.

    • but it was not a waste of time. honestly as intense as LSD or shrooms I had years ago. You go so far out into this … place, and … it’s different for everyone. but for me instead of brain being the usual loud noise :


    it was like :

    ==~~__ a___ d___ h____ D___:)

    • So. 2y later, do 3 min every day, no guru, no guide, just my brain who in the 80s they made take a short bus to a special class once a week, who never made friends, who always felt so ashamed, angry, cried over how weird I was. AND I have adhd (obv) and take meds and NO meditation is not a cure for anything and it’s ALWAYS boring and stupid and I can’t FEEL it or PROVE it and I’m always, always doing it wrong.

    but my god, it’s full of stars.

    so give it a shot :)