Hello, the past few weeks i have been a little stressed. I tried to meditate but most generic techniques dont work for me, do you have any that worked?

  • 31415926535@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Dbt. Cbt.

    Starter exercise. There’s a teacup sitting on the table in front if you. Look at it. What’s its shape, color, how is light hitting it? Slowly reach for it, pick ut up, feel the weight in your hands… can do this, with any object, for just 30 seconds once a week. Over time, becomes habit.

    At all times, there is chatter going on in your brain. All you need to do is recognize it. Whenever I feel thoughts spiraling out of control, I say a 4 word phrase. Others use different tactics. One person drove a lot for work, and when pulling into intersection, if they saw a stop sign, instant reminder. … practicing this til it becomes habit.

    Narrating your actions. I’m back from walk, approaching door, hand on door knobs, taking keys out of my pocket. Narrating forces you to slow down, step by step.

    Slow, calm breathing from the diaphragm.

    Stop, close eyes. One by one, focus on each of your senses. Taste in mouth. Smell of wet leaves. Warm wind against skin, etc.

    The 5 w’s. Recite. My name is, I’m a human, it’s this time and day, I’m at this location, this is why I’m here.

    That’s just to start.