Worf is really just a terrible father. Given how conflicted he is about his own upbringing on Earth, it’s pretty rich that he sends Alexander to live with his adoptive parents in Russia.
Then in that DS9 episode where Worf and Alex are on ship together, Worf goes full warrior mode and pretends like he never had to learn his Klingon identity.
I love Worf as a character, but I’m happy he wasn’t my dad.
Getting mad at Alexander for not knowing his Klingon side when he had … Left him behind for at least 5 years.
He is the definition of an absent father. Don’t get me wrong Alexander is an annoying character IMO but I’m real happy worf ain’t my dad. My dad… Well he abandoned me too but still.
TIL that worf had a son. I don’t remember much of TNG but have seen DS9 relatively recently. Has this child even been mentioned at all in DS9?
Only in the one episode where they serve together on a Klingon ship during the dominion war: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Sons_and_Daughters_(episode)
Not everyone, just worf
The whole relationship of Worf and Alexander is written so horribly. I don´t get why they even put it in the show. Just to make otherwise cool Worf look like a total asshole every once and then? They didn´t even know what do with Alexander after introducing him which resulted in every single Alexander episode being a milk dud episode. K’Ehleyr on the other hand, who was a real interesting character with much potential, was killed off super fast. I just wish Worf never had a son T_T
Careful, this is an unpopular opinion some mods may not care about.
Best meme I’ve seen today