I’ve noticed that the majority of bands I’ve loved since I was younger have entirely abandoned their old style for music that feels far more bland and uninteresting. It breaks my heart to no end when a band I’ve loved releases a new album and by halfway through you’re done with it.
Lately this has been happening too often to me. Anyone else notice this with their music selection of choice?
This is where I am with 65daysofstatic. I’ll always have the records up to Wild Light, and I’ll always love them, and while replicr, 2019 is too ambient and experimental for my tastes, I love that they’re doing what they find interesting and fun.
Kinda the same with John K. Samson, in that as much as I want him to make more music, to reform The Weakerthans and tell more stories, I respect that he’s moved on from it for now. All of his records are still there to be heard, there just probably won’t be any new ones.