I used to swear a lot. I decided to not swear at all (except for possibly mild swears), instead replacing most swears with minced oaths.

My family is Christian and I would get yelled at for swearing even if it just slipped out. So far, I don’t swear unless I’m feeling a strong emotion or acting impulsively, but I’ll usually say things like “F/eff” or “fudge” instead of the F-word.

I like to be “creative”, so my go-tos are usually “Go fudge yourself”, or “What the cluck?”

I might say “mother lover” instead of MF

  • MonkeMischief@lemmy.today
    6 天前

    Yeah I find prepositional F-bombs to be annoyingly juvenile. I remember lots of people in highschool who would get a mind blank and go

    “Like…fuggin… Whatever” to connect their thoughts lol.

    An “um” is okay. LOL I’ve had to somewhat train this out of myself too… As my mind randomly blanks mid-thought quite often lol.