I understood his message perfectly, nothing “flew over my head,” it’s just that his message is stupid and wrong so I’m criticizing it. And you’re resorting to condescension since you have no ability to answer my criticisms. Is Hasan Piker a tankie, yes or no?
No doubt you’re within the circle of the personality cult these sorts of people tend to form and can’t imagine the concept of someone understanding and disagreeing.
Are you fine bro? everything in just flew over your head like a feather in the strong wind, did you sleep well, eat well?
I understood his message perfectly, nothing “flew over my head,” it’s just that his message is stupid and wrong so I’m criticizing it. And you’re resorting to condescension since you have no ability to answer my criticisms. Is Hasan Piker a tankie, yes or no?
No doubt you’re within the circle of the personality cult these sorts of people tend to form and can’t imagine the concept of someone understanding and disagreeing.