I downvoted. Not because you criticized democrats, but because your stupid post says you get downvoted for that. No you fucking don’t. You almost always get up voted for it. This is a garbage bait post.
During the run up to the election I’ll admit i was guilty of this because it was so important for TFG to lose. I wish our bullshit system allowd for more than a fascist and center right party.
Now? Fuck that they aren’t leading like they should.
It’s exhausting.
It’s not that they suck. My problem with them, as an independent, is they’ve positioned themselves as the moral high ground party while in fact they have no moral leg to stand on. Their leadership had a historic moral test when it comes to the Gaza genocide and they failed it. They had another test to put a great candidate to prevent another Trump presidency, but they bowed down to their corporate masters and picked Kamala.
It’s that level of fundamentalism and holier than thou attitude that alienates many people like me. They have zero fighting tactics against Republicans besides clutching pearls and shaming. Kamala’s website up until the election day had no “agenda section”. You can’t really tell what her campaign is about. I guess she’s perfect enough and shouldn’t be questioned, otherwise “racism and sexism”.
They need a complete reset and redo of the party and its principles. Until then, I’m a non voter.
What I don’t understand - and please explain if you can - is why Bernie and like-minded people like AOC etc don’t break away from the likes of the Clintons and the Harrises and form their own party. Surely there must be some systemic hurdle keeping them from at least attempting right?
Please understand that the democrats are further right than most countries mainstream right wing parties in Europe noone really likes that Germany elected the CDU (politically similar to the democrats) but we’re all very pleased that afd didn’t get a majority. Vote for the least damaging candidate and work on the system by protesting. Noone thinks Biden and Harris are saints, they’re just the least harmful option.
The Democratic Party on the whole is captured by the donor class as a direct result of Citizens United. This has led to the hollowing out of the grassroots movements that are necessary for a large coalition of diverse interests to compete against the oligarchic cabal that makes up the GOP. This decimated the rank and file operatives that used networking within their communities to create political action and replaced it with endless fundraising emails, even as the primary process was corrupted (Hillary v Bernie, Biden v Bernie) to remove clout from the progressive wing of the party.
This led to the disillusionment of many Democratic voters that they have any say in the nomination process (the last time we had a real primary was Obama 2008 - almost 20 years ago), and the result is a slate of weak centrist candidates that for the most part play lip service to liberal cultural issues while blocking any real progressive economic progress.
The purpose of the Democratic Party apparatus as it exists in 2025 America is to capture and dilute revolutionary energy, so that people don’t take to the streets and demand real change. Yes, there are some independents and good folks within the Democratic Party trying to make a change (AOC, Jasmine Crocket) but the power players (Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries) are still refusing to stand up to the overt fascist takeover of our country.
The system as it exists will not change, and without change, we’re barreling into a fascism induced depression and possible civil war that will likely ravage the planet.
Why does being downvoted here even matter at all like who cares. Democrats have lost the plot and only care about identity politics. Policy don’t help the average everyday people.
You must be on some weird ass instance. I see tons of reasonable anger at democrats and Republicans alike. I don’t see upvotes for baseless tribal click bait like this tho
Nah, post something to /c/memes saying the US is a fascist nation and has been so for decades, it’s upvotes galore.
Imply the democrats have anything to do with it, and suddenly what’s the time in Moscow, how does Xi’s dick taste like, yadda yadda
and suddenly what’s the time in Moscow
ah, now I get the Hexbear sidebar clock joke
Oof sounds bad
Everyone here that defends democrats knows they’re not the best people.
Still immensely better than the alternative.
Classic failed thought, that. We are seeing the results of the Dems’ hard work right now, my friend.
Yup, cause democrats made sure to bring Zelensky in front of the media to just yell at him and renounce our support to save lives.
Democrats were saving lives by bombing children in Gaza.
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What the fuck are you on about? What do you think you’re responding to?
blueMAGA liberals would personally dismember every child in Gaza to keep the war in Ukraine going another six months
Genocidal fascists are indeed “not the best people”
Oh, and the anti immigrant, anti education, anti living wage, anti trans, super genocidal facists are sooooo much better, right?
Or were you talking about the fucking nobody who had literally ZERO chance of winning? There were really going to win it all and save everybody, what happened?
Anti-immigrant: Democrats adopted Republican immigration policy.
Anti-education: Democrats wanted to expel students who weren’t pro-genocide enough.
Anti-living wage: Democrats’ last word on raising the federal minimum wage was Sinema’s thumbs down.
Anti-trans: Democrats ran hateful Republican anti-trans talking points in their own ads.
Super genocidal: Democrats have spent the past year shoveling weapons to Netanyahu to be used to murder Palestinians.
are sooooo much better, right?
Democrats seem to think so since they keep emulating them.
You loved every last one of the past SUCCESSES of the Democratic Party to move themselves closer to the fascism you will never even think of opposing.
Oh, and the anti immigrant, anti education, anti living wage, anti trans, super genocidal facists are sooooo much better, right?
You were the one saying genocidal fascists are merely “not the best people”.
“Oh man what the fuck why did you diddle and torture my dog what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Oh and that dude is much better? He wanted to skin him alive then kill him”
I wish the Democrats were not being complicit with the Nazis and had half as much of the obstruction the right uses when not in power
All you guys suck, democrats enabled the rise of fascism by being impotent cowards trying to get the scraps left behind by the republicunts.
Everyone should still vote for them becuase they are better than the only other option in your dogshit political system.
Vote as far left as possible all the way up, if it ends up as trump v clinton then it should be the lefter of the two.
Vote as far left as possible all the way up, if it ends up as trump v clinton then it should be the lefter of the two.
And Democrats will always take advantage of that. They supported genocide last election. How much further to the right are they going to go? Because they will never move one Planck length to the left.
But if they consistently win it still alter the political landscape such that someone else will have a better chance of enacting actual change in the future.
The two party system is garbage, but if one of the two current parties lost its ability to win entirely then a different second option could appear.
Right now is the perfect time for the progressive caucus -led by AOC, and hiring Katie Porter as consultant- to form a third party WHILE THEY ARE SEATED.
And there are very simpke winning platform planks that can pull EVERYBODY in:
- lobbyist bribery as an imprisonable offense
- universal health care
- cap on tuitions for medical degrees
- abolition of private prisons and ban on privatization of government responsibilities
Of course the psychotic Nazi cucks will not accept that last one because they dont understand that profit margins drive costs up and efficiencies down, but still…
Agree. Within legal means, this is the only way to shift the Overton Window back left. When Democrats are secured from Republicans, then we should be pushing for more progressive options. Democrats would not be expanding the concentration camps like the Republicans are.
Dems expanded the concentration camps on our southern border though…
You can’t “push for more progressive options” when you’ve already ceded all power.
Democrats would not be expanding the concentration camps like the Republicans are.
History suggests otherwise.
Fuck legal means, this is yer problem its all pride and democracy this until its dismantled in front of ye. Taking the high road has given ye a petulant retard as a leader. Maybe throw “legal” out the window, they did.
I know what I said. A human knows how to interpret it.
RPing on an open forum will only get you a visit from the FBI.
Im not advocating murder, its fascists who will limit protests and strikes. If you adhere to the rule of law you will quickly see protections removed to keep you penned in.
Push the party left and then vote for them. I would personally rathwr have useless weasels in power over soulless ghouls intent on stripping the country bare
If they think their only recourse in all of this is to vote differently next time, they’re more fucked than we think. It’s not about D v R. It’s haves and have-nots. Always was. The sports teams are to distract and divide.
I like that one “republicunts”, that goes in to the swearing arsenal.
There are a low of flaws in the American ‘democratic’ system, but one of the biggest is that it devolved in an effectively two party system.
The bigger issue is people thinking that voting is the only way to influence anything. Reality is that it is the absolute bare minimum you can and should do. People need to be getting involved in their local communities, their unions, the campaigns for local politicians… you cannot change the whole country and you need to stop trying. Change your immediate area, and let those changes become the new base voters are starting from when making decisions.
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So let’s be frank here: Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats need to die in a fire. The old guard must be set aside and a new team should take their place by spearheading the direction of the party.
Get ready for…
The Democratic Super Friends
- Pete Butigieg (White Man)
- Kamela Harris (Captain President)
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Plucky Latina)
- Bernie Sanders (Master Splinter)
- Elizabeth Warren (Super Mom)
- Cory Booker (Male Ratio)
These powers combined, maybe YOUNG people won’t be so disgusted by the democrats. That’s right, young people. That’s who the republicans were targeting. Get the millennial vote by making the Super Friends here a reality.
But nope, that would be too daring, too risque, too sexy - for the democrats. We gotta wheel out Schumer and exhume Dianne Feinatein to prop her up with duct tape in the house of representatives.
It’s the only way… to lose again lol
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Why can’t we be critical of democrats by being selective in the primaries?
Because half the time they don’t have primaries and the other half they call anyone making good arguments “unelectable radicals”
Don’t just “call them”, they actively sabotage them in a way they never do with a reactionary. Labor did it to Corbyn as well, this is deeply ingrained in bourgeois “democracies”, if you can vote for somebody who will try to bring change, they’ve already fucked up a bunch of times.
This is funny to me, because in many red states there aren’t even Democrat candidates to oppose Republicans.
There were four republicans running unopposed on my ballot in 2024.
Their generally decent goals of bombing children in Afghanistan, bombing people in Palestine, starving children in Yemen, starving children in Cuba, starving children in Venezuela, caging children in the US, torturing people in Guantanamo, bombing children in Yugoslavia, and so on? The bill that resulted in the mass enslavement of the US population (highest prison pop. in the world by far) was passed by the Clinton administration, written by Biden.
Are they only powerful enough to do monstrous shit or do they think you’re stupid and will buy their hand wringing? They could have forced through Medicare, deliberately chose not to. They could have codified reproduction rights, deliberately chose not to. They’re fucking telling you which issues they care about, it’s the ones that they actually pass.
well I hope that if you come out of this you come out with a better electoral system I’ll say that
You are not wrong. My point is that dictator trump and his cronies will pave over the bones of Palestinians and turn Gaza into a Trump resort. Strip the rights of all non-christians, minorities, women, and lgbt in America(and this is just citizens!). Take away the only public service for healthcare, meager that it is. We will see nothing but negative progress and monstrous acts from this admin. Monstrous in a far more sinster and evil way than ever before.
My point is that dictator trump and his cronies will pave over the bones of Palestinians and turn Gaza into a Trump resort.
So far, Trump has been slightly better than the Democrats on Gaza, but because democrat supporters refused to acknowledge how bad it was when it was Democrats doing it, they don’t realise.
Democrats suck and are ineffectual at accomplishing their (generally decent) goals.
Genocide apologia
Why can’t we be critical of democrats by being selective in the primaries?
lol even when you try to do this Pelosi will push the thumb on the scale to get Cuellar, one of the shittiest Democrats (and that’s really saying something) reelected over challenger Jessica Cisneros. Or you can even win the primary and then the state party will allow you to languish because you’re a working class demsoc instead of a trusted middle-manager of capital. The Dems need people like Cuellar, Sinema, and Manchin so that whenever they have a majority they can still sit around and do fucking nothing until the Republicans come in and shift everything further rightward. Dems love this. Ratchet effect is real. Fuck the Democratic Party. At least the Republicans are honest about how much they hate us.
Voting for genociders and pro-militarized police didn’t stop the genocide or police murdering black people, so I would count it as a very ineffective strategy as well. I rather vote for what I actually believe in than not voting because I will hell not vote for the garbage democrats.
Edit: “Protest vote” lmao, I don’t owe my vote to Democrats.
It’s the compromise for the vulnerable that most often gets brought up in this situation. A protest vote in a broken first-past-the-post election system generally helps the opposition to your vote. Republicans have demonstrated they hate the vulnerable (disabled, poor, debt-ridden) and Democrats are weak in their opposition, but if you want the help those that are vulnerable you would generally not want to subject them to Republicans, whom benefit from your protest vote.
Another argument is that if you fracture the opposition to bootlickers, the bootlickers will win.
the better argument is that our system is both intentionally keeping these groups vulnerable and, in large part, using them as bait to get you to vote the way they want you to; effectively entrapping you into this system so that you remain ignorant of the fact these same vulnerable groups are empowered and the driving force for change outside this country.
Until they realize that empowerment, there will be suffering, and it seems to be accelerationists who want that suffering to drive change. The whole point is that the system is broken in a first-past-the-post democracy.
I can tell you right now those same vulnerable people are not ready to rise up, though I wish that weren’t the case. There are people who still believe in decorum lmao.
We can talk all we want about people recognizing empowerment, but you’re also fighting entrenched propaganda campaigns that keep those same people fearful and against solidarity. Talk to any working class Fox News watching disphit.
Really until I see one of you propose, or enact, ways to counter that propaganda and lead people to understand their empowerment, ima keep doing me and trying to reduce the harm to the vulnerable people as best I can.
Mexico proved that it’s possible w/o removing the propaganda; queers, trans, students, leftists, women and indigenous people joined to together to kick out both of the liberal and conservative parties to bring in amlo & sheinbaum’s third party for the first time in over a century. Now the pri and the pan are just as irrelevant as a Republican in California or a Democrat in Texas
You’re not helping; you’re only perpetuating the harm to vulnerable people when you cooperate in the way they want you to.
The system is not broken, it is working as intended. Telling you it’s broken is so they can dangle “fixing it” in front of your face like a carrot on a stick, but it will never ever happen for as long as capitalists are allowed to run our world and make decisions for us.
You want “ways to counter that propaganda and lead people to understand their empowerment”, the answer is and always has been class consciousness and historical materialism. It starts with you. Pick up a fucking book and seek it out. Cause I’m not seeing any ideas from you either and whether we like it or not, we are all in this together.
I am sorry, but as a black man, I am supposed to be your sacrificial lamb and your fucking compromise for you for what? So you feel safe in your fucking neighborhood? I am sure that all black people and Palestinian Americans will agree when I say: “Fuck you from the bottom of my heart”
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No, no, fuck you. I mentioned how democrats use militarized police against black people and you say that is supposed to be a fucking compromise. Fuck you, you racist asshole. Fucking white liberals are the fucking worse. No wonder why both MLK and Malcolm X hated your ass.
Edit: So you believe that everyone in the internet has to be white? Of course, I wouldn’t expect less from a liberal. I am sure that I cannot be black to you because I guess that I will never fit whatever stereotype you have of us in your head.
But I will say this: Democrats increased the funding for the police substantially during the BLM protests, treated us like terrorists and threw the heads of the protests in prison. Biden favorite phrase: “We have to back our boys in blue” and proceeded to triple their budget. Democrats hate black people and they oppress us with a militarized police in our neighborhoods.
Don’t be silly dude everyone knows only white liberals are smart enough to operate a computer. Everyone else is a bot or a troll.
White tech-bro liberals have as much soul as a laptop. I’ve noticed that almost every tech bro Free Market Liberal-tarian i’ve met has aphantasia, they can’t even produce images in their heads to think.
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Bro, Biden tripled the budget of cops and you say that they are less harmful?! What is wrong with you?! “Good faith argument” with someone who automatically says that I am lying and who say that people dying should be a compromise, gotcha. My elders MLK, Malcolm X and the Black Panthers have all said that Democrat sucks and the only way forward is socialism. I am going to listen to them instead of you trying to whitesplain to me why Democrats are the best my community got.
Edit: They all died fighting for socialism, not for milquetoast liberties granted in fascism like the ones we get under democrats.
Lol, never takes much to make blueMAGA fascists take the mask off
whom benefit from your protest vote.
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well said
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As in criticizing Democrats on their merits or criticizing Democrats as equally bad as Republicans? Big difference between the two.
You would think committing a genocide would’ve settled the whole “lesser evil” thing, but the Blue MAGA cult insists there’s a way to commit lesser evil genocide now.
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The problem with people with like you is you listen to what the Dems say they’re doing, and don’t bother to confirm what Dems are actually doing. It’s why you’re all terrified of Trump’s immigration policies, and have no clue that Obama & Biden deported way more people.
You’re in a cult.
Does the way in which they are deported matter?
Is it better when they target people who are undocumented and provably so vs just checking out everyone tanner than a Mainer in the winter?
Do you see a difference between the specific policies of the two administrations?
Youre going to keep doing this lesser evil bit until the dems have you seig heiling while the republicans drain your blood for the ritual to begin Armageddon.
Hold up. You believe the Dems & GOP are swapping out frontline ICE and CBP agents during power transitions?
No, I think the administrators on top are switched and they give different marching orders. They enforce policy differently based on who is in the Oval office and that administration’s decisions. That is why there is a difference in how these deportations were carried out.
Do you think the top agents determine policy for an agency?
This is why no one takes Dem voters seriously. Y’all believe the press releases matter more than the material actions.
Battered spouse syndrome
Oh and the only voters that aren’t taken seriously in the ISA are leftists and if you doubt that for a second please point out the progressive party that controls anything in this shithole.
My whole point is the material actions of the two administrations do differ. Trump is targeting anyone not white whereas Biden at least targeted people with legal violations. One policy puts all immigrants in fear while the other theoretically should not.
The fact that you can’t see the difference isn’t something I can help you with.
Now this fucking guy is on .ml too?
If you somehow managed to reduce all of American politics into two sides, neither democrats nor republicans would be on yours.
Yes, actually. Both genocidal as a matter of fact.