• Perhapsjustsniffit@lemmy.ca
    11 days ago

    Any small resistance is resistance.

    Stop supporting mega corps and billionaires by quitting x, Amazon, Facebook,insta, snap, Google, Netflix, Disney, Hulu, Microsoft, apple, phone, broadcasting companies, Hollywood studios completely. Stop feeding the machine. If we can you can too and quit the “but my business” or “but my friends list”. It’s easy to do nothing and make so many excuses.

    Join a local organization that helps your fellow man. Learn about people who are different than you, support them, eat with them, talk to them. Get the fuck off your couch and from behind the screen.

    Promote resistance marches/public strikes and take time off work even if it hurts you to protest openly and loudly. Resistance isn’t cheap or easy. It’s going to hurt you and your family personally and until it does you aren’t doing shit.

    Stop saying I can’t, it’s not possible, no one cares. It takes an individual to be outside the norm and start a movement. To stand up and put themselves on the line for what they believe. If you aren’t willing to do this then you are one of them regardless of your words. Actions matter more than your blustery bullshit.

    Support organizations that are rallying to fight or organize. Offer your skills and support no matter how maxi or mini they may be. Quit saying I can’t and start doing.

    Organize and join resistance orgs and pages online in places that lots of Americans gather. Be active in these groups. They will help you see what you can and can’t do.

    Join a union or strike with one. Walk the picket line. Meet resistance fighters in their own environment.

    Encourage everyone you know to do these things as well. Drag your friend kicking and screaming. Enforce to them how important it is. They still won’t go…go and make new friends. Encourage your old friends to join you. If they don’t they don’t deserve you.

    Don’t have friends…join a resistance movement. Common goals unite people and develop strong bonds.

    And for fuck sakes stop asking the world what you should do and start doing it. There are suggestions, lists, organizations, online groups and so much more that can educate you on how to resist. Attacking individuals online because you are unwilling to educate yourself or resist even for your own benefit is pointless and just encourages us outside the US to lump you in with your administration. You will not get assistance or open dialog from anyone other than your echo chamber.