Seattle is pretty desperate for housing. 40k new units, especially municipal owned one since this is a city golf course, would be a huge stride forward. Seattle also just passed a ballot measure for city to build low income/mixed income housing directly, so this would line up incredibly well for that.
I’m pretty sure Seattle has an ordinance making changing a park to something else very challenging to impossible. Technically golf courses are parks, though I’d argue terrible ones, making it a much smaller lift to turn them into better (actual) parks and let the golfers go out of town.
Seattle is pretty desperate for housing. 40k new units, especially municipal owned one since this is a city golf course, would be a huge stride forward. Seattle also just passed a ballot measure for city to build low income/mixed income housing directly, so this would line up incredibly well for that.
There are talks to convert this into a beautiful park too, but the city government is not interested.
I’m pretty sure Seattle has an ordinance making changing a park to something else very challenging to impossible. Technically golf courses are parks, though I’d argue terrible ones, making it a much smaller lift to turn them into better (actual) parks and let the golfers go out of town.