I’m assuming that if I lose two hours of sleep for five non-consecutive days that I won’t have to sleep for ten hours straight in addition to the eight-ish I’d normally be asleep for. How well does the body keep track of this stuff? How much will it forgive?
Bear with me as I’m not thinking super clearly from the caffeine crash and messed-up sleep
From personal experience there is interest to pay on sleep debt unfortunately. You can’t pay it off all in one night either, it takes a couple good sleeps to fully recover.
oh, that’s good.
And the interest rate goes up, exponentially, with age.
And by age, I don’t mean 30 or 40.
By 20 I was already feeling it, just wouldn’t admit it.
A slightly different perspective- maybe like a mortgage, you can only pay off so much debt in one go. otherwise it costs you more