Canada has a land border with the EU
And a maritime border too. I really don’t know why or how the Netherlands come into the picture.
It’s always a land border if you go far enough underwater.
It’d be great to have Canada in the EU but they’d need to secure the southern border. Build a wall and make the us pay for it.
They already did. It’s called tariffs
Why Dutch? The easiest would be clearly to declare Canada a province of Greenland and have it thus become a part of Denmark 😎
Canada and the Netherlands have very close ties.
During WWII Canada sheltered the Dutch royal family and declared the hospital where princess Margriet was born to be Dutch soil. We could just expand that to the rest of country to be part of the Netherlands
A province of Greenland is a good one, also Saint Pierre and Miquelon are French islands just off the coast of Newfoundland
And the dutch would finally gain the land they desperately need
Canada can into nordic?
I wish Australia would join the EU. The US is an unreliable ally.
Take us with you… Sincerely, NZ
It goes without saying that this would be mandatory: No koalas, without kiwis!
Hell, it’s a reliable enemy.
United States of Canada has a nice ring to it I think
You’ve heard of USA and USB, now prepare for USC
and there’s already a USD!
As a Canadian I approve, if it were to happen.
Maybe the Dutch can finally teach the Canadians how build a proper city.
At least join the broadcasting union so the UK can have another country to lose to in Eurovision.
Since Israel can join Eurovision festival I see no reason why Canada can’t join the European Union.
You mean eurovision?
Ah, that’s what I had first, but then I was like, that doesn’t sound like music 😄
It’s the vision of Europe in song form or some bullshit haha
Maybe not the EU but we could at least have Schengen.