There’s no ads, JavaScript, or tracking analytics, just a straight up html page. My hope is to simply have a place that shares facts.

It’s by no means complete. I’d happily welcome anyone who has references to help me complete this page. I just found out the site I was using for his executive orders gets them after about 10 days, and the Whitehouse website has all the up to date one (almost 80 when I checked last night). I’ll try to parse through them and update the list as I have time.

If you have any suggested edits or additional items I should add, I’m happy to do so given a reference.

I hope to keep it up to date as much as I can, but their whole plan right now is to flood the area with nonstop shit so that we can’t really dial in on any one thing.

I’ve created an account and repo to outsource the work a little bit. Please feel free to interact and help out:

For some reason this is throwing a 404 when you go to it. Hopefully this goes away soon, likely because I only just created the account.

Problem has been resolved

    1 month ago

    Is there a reason you’ve split the page up into the categories you’ve used, instead of using the sections in the Project 2025 pdf? If you get enough people interested in keeping this updated, it might make sense to divide the work up by section (I take 3.10, the department of agriculture, for example) instead of hoping to catch everything in the 900 page document.

    The owner of each section could split it out into action items, then watch for if those action items are acted on. Put it in a sortable table by topic/section.subsection/blurb/page#. If I find time and motivation, I’ll go claim a section and do that in the github as a proof of concept.