When browsing the web at home becomes dangerous to your safety, there are tools that can help minimizing your digital traces to stay safe. Tails is one of these tools. Here's why, when, and how you can install and use Tails.
take the blue pill, self-destruct: sign back up for facebook, make a tiktok account. Always carry the newest iphone and a stock android phone on your person. Post live photos on instagram of where you are and what you are doing multiple times a day. Sign up for X. Buy a blue checkmark. Live-tweet your fight against constipation. You have nothing to hide if everyone already knows everything about you.
Where do you go when TAILS doesn’t feel safe anymore?
take the blue pill, self-destruct: sign back up for facebook, make a tiktok account. Always carry the newest iphone and a stock android phone on your person. Post live photos on instagram of where you are and what you are doing multiple times a day. Sign up for X. Buy a blue checkmark. Live-tweet your fight against constipation. You have nothing to hide if everyone already knows everything about you.
Reading this literally made me feel a little queasy.
We Want Your Soul
Can’t believe I didn’t know about this gem until now
You do you.
Unplug and go outside
Not outside in a city with cameras. If tails on homemade/trusted hardware is not safe enough, woods are the only option.
there was a guy who thought the same…
Uncle ted