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can this map be… simulated?
perhaps put into a computer program with simulated inputs from a virtual environment?
There’s alot of “calculations” done internally in a neuron that we cant map yet
Fucking DLLs
Shared objects on Linux.
I’ve been using Linux for longer than I’ve been an adult, I’ve worked in the field for around fifteen years, and TIL what .so means. Thanks!
We’re probably pretty similar. I haven’t been a Linux user as long as I’ve been an adult (close), but if you include BSDs, then I have, since I dabbled w/ FreeBSD as a kid.
I’m a SW engineer and I like compiled languages, so linking in C libraries comes w/ the territory. If it wasn’t for that, I would probably just call them DLLs (dynamic-link library, FWIW), since they do the same thing at the end of the day.
I was a sysadmin, now I’m nominally devops. I haven’t done real development for probably 21 years, so I didn’t interact with SO’s or DLL’s much. (I actually did know what DLL means, but I have no clue why. Thanks though!)
I didn’t use pure BSD until I was eighteen - I think I used Macs a time or two before then. In fact, I’m pretty sure the first time I used BSD was installing it on an iMac I bought off of Craigslist and I did so to experiment with its firewall functionality. What did you do with it as a kid?
Honestly, not much. I took a programming class at the local community college during high school, and an older gentlemen gave me an install disk. So I installed it on an old PC and tinkered a bit, but it didn’t have internet so I only had the base install.
I switched to Ubuntu my freshmen year at college because windows broke on my rented computer and I didn’t want to deal with IT. I tried switching to FreeBSD on my laptop a couple years later, but it wouldn’t sleep properly, so I went back to Linux (Arch at this point). I still used FreeBSD on my toy servers and NAS, which ended a few years later when I switched everything to openSUSE (Leap on server/NAS first, then Tumbleweed later on my desktop and laptop).
That said, my kids haven’t really used Windows, they either use my computers running Tumbleweed or ChromeOS at school.
I still really like FreeBSD, but I don’t use it because I had issues getting Docker to work (need for self-hosted LibreOffice Online), and I prefer everything to be same family, and having openSUSE work everywhere is nice. It still holds a place in heart though, so I make sure my personal projects work properly on FreeBSD. Who knows, maybe I’ll use it if I ever replace my router with a DIY setup (currently use Mikrotik).
interesting. what kind of “calculations”? what do we know about it?
“That I don’t we can map yet”
Seems like your brain failed to calculate a few things when trying to write that.
I recall seeing the brain of like an amoeba or something very small with only like 100 neurons or something being simulated.
You certainly didn’t see an amoeba brain. They are single cells. I wonder if you heard about the efforts to do the same thing with a nematode?
That is super cool. Can we might simulate it in a virtual environment? If so, would that be the first matrix like virtual world?
Great, now I’m imagining a group of flies in leather trenchoats.
Mr. Fruiterson, how can you buzz, if you don’t have a labium.
I think they already did that with a nematode.
openworm did not map all the neurons yet. But soon 🤞
I’m not sure I understand the distinction they’re trying to make between the connectome and the projectome.
The connectome is a map of individual neurones. The projectome is a map of how larger regions interconnect. Particularly the relative strength of the links.
It’s the difference between a detailed road map vs the relative road capacity between countries. It cuts out a lot of fine detail to see larger patterns. Both are useful, but in different ways.
I’m actually stunned that a cell-level map, the connectome, is even possible. Are we saying that every fruit fly has all these individual brain cells in this very particular configuration? I always assumed that major brain organelles might be the same from individual to individual but not down to the level of individual neurons. Am I reading something wrong or are individuals really similar as this?
Provisio, I have not read up on this particular experience.
Fruit flies, as used in labs are not like their wild cousins. They have been bred to be exceptionally consistent, since this makes X-Y experiments easier. If you take genetically identical eggs, and raise them in effectively identical conditions, you get almost the same wiring.
There will still be areas of variability, but a lot will be conserved. This is likely an “average” wiring. Once you have even an approximate baseline, you can vary things and see how the wiring adapted.
The way I understand it:
Connectome: Displays the synapses between individual neurons
Projectome: The links between regions of the brain via neurons that synapse across regions (basically a subset of the connectome)
So if the connectome is a map of every road, highway, dirt path in the USA, the projectome is a map of the interstates between major cities.
Please someone tell me if this is way off base.
So to answer what I assume is going to be the most common question here, this is a circuit diagram, but every neuron is like its own little programmable integrated circuit with a small amount of internal memory and those aren’t mapped here. So this is an excellent model to explore how neurons connect to each other and get insight into cognition and the function of the brain but it is far from something that can simply be simulated on a computer.
I believe it’s this one.
But I also found second one. news, but still very cool.
Ok. Now map out how in an entire airport, they ALWAYS seem to manage to find me, after I make lunch. Then as I clap my hands to kill them, they use evasive techniques to avoid being killed. Then they come right back 2 seconds later. Until either I go insane and move, which they follow, or I finally get them with a clap, and they’re dead.
I heard that they keep coming back because your efforts to swat at them were clumsy and never a real threat
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