My workplace’s LGBT resource group is meeting soon. Hoping for good news. I’m wondering why I still live in the US at this point - I have no living family or close friends here and work in an in-demand field. May as well sell my house and move somewhere that I’m welcome.
New Zealand! It’s not perfect, but with a population of only 5 million, we do a lot better taking care of each other. I live on the south island, so it’s even smaller. We have a fairly conservative govt right now, just like most places the economic downturn encouraged a right shift, but the culture here has been very progressive historically, and the people still are. I feel much more hopeful pushing back on hate here than I did in Texas, and it feels like it’s impactful as opposed to in the US where it feels like pushing back against a river.
My workplace’s LGBT resource group is meeting soon. Hoping for good news. I’m wondering why I still live in the US at this point - I have no living family or close friends here and work in an in-demand field. May as well sell my house and move somewhere that I’m welcome.
I would suggest you look into it, at the very least! Leaving was the best decision I ever made.
May I ask what country you went to? The options are staggering.
New Zealand! It’s not perfect, but with a population of only 5 million, we do a lot better taking care of each other. I live on the south island, so it’s even smaller. We have a fairly conservative govt right now, just like most places the economic downturn encouraged a right shift, but the culture here has been very progressive historically, and the people still are. I feel much more hopeful pushing back on hate here than I did in Texas, and it feels like it’s impactful as opposed to in the US where it feels like pushing back against a river.
NZ is actually at the top of my list! Would you go as far as recommending it for a US expat?
Absolutely. It’s not a utopia, but it’s a huge step up from the US.