I always learned “ROYGBIV” as the colors of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, violet.
What’s up with the last two? Isn’t indigo basically just dark blue? Why is it violet and not purple? Can’t it just be “ROYGBP”?
I always learned “ROYGBIV” as the colors of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, violet.
What’s up with the last two? Isn’t indigo basically just dark blue? Why is it violet and not purple? Can’t it just be “ROYGBP”?
Huh, I had always assumed oranges got their name from the color, not the other way around…
Orange the fruit comes from the Sanskrit name naranga through other languages. Along the way it lost the N (well technically the n moved to the a, so we have an orange 🙂)