What are the chances the other half of the dev team had all the technical know how and prison just became a really convenient cover for a bait and switch of an EAG?
I think that it’s more likely that the other half of the dev team probably knew about the charges, saw this sentence likely coming and didn’t want to sink more time into the project. Which, I mean, I can understand if it’s a two person company. If you’re doing a company like this, you’re betting that the product is going to be successful, and “maybe half the company will vanish” is kind of a huge risk factor.
from the articles it’s made pretty clear that the other dev just wasn’t up to it after multiple complications from a botched surgery.
Average early access dev
The creator of Fortune’s Run, who goes by Dizzie on Steam, announced Tuesday night that her past had caught up with her. “I’ve been sentenced to prison for the next 3 years,” she wrote on the game’s Steam page. “It’s a long story, but I’ve lived a very different life before I was a game developer, and I wasn’t living very well. My case is about 5 years old now, I have been going through the legal process the whole time I’ve been working on this. I have finally been found guilty and sentenced, and I’m going away next month.”
“It’s a shame, but it’s the consequences of my actions,” the developer continued. “I was a very violent person and I hurt a lot of people in my life. Unfortunately, the sentence isn’t going to help with that at all, but I guess we all know that. So the game isn’t TOTALLY dead, but unfortunately due to even further bad things happening, it’s unclear what will happen.”
Anyone know what she did?
Scamming people into investing in an early access game with no intent of finishing it.
Just to be clear, I’m joking
They seem to allude to a violent crime, as they said they “were a different more violent person in the past.”
I only clicked the article to find that out and it wasn’t included. Annoying.
Drama! Damn this game looks right up my alley. Says it’s a 2 person team, I wonder if development will continue.
This has been an interesting game with an interesting story.