You don’t need to worry about buying it directly though if you don’t have exchange options like Kraken. So long as you can buy any crypto, you can easily swap to Monero. Tons of swap services or in wallet swap providers.
If you want to get the absolute lowest fees when swapping to Monero you could use Trade Ogre & swap currency pairs directly. They only charge a 0.2% fee per trade. The interface is a bit intimidating but the whole buying another crypto then swapping to Monero can be essentially free.
I just wish Monero were easier to buy. I understand, security and all, but ugh, takes a lot of steps to get it.
You don’t need to worry about buying it directly though if you don’t have exchange options like Kraken. So long as you can buy any crypto, you can easily swap to Monero. Tons of swap services or in wallet swap providers.
If you want to get the absolute lowest fees when swapping to Monero you could use Trade Ogre & swap currency pairs directly. They only charge a 0.2% fee per trade. The interface is a bit intimidating but the whole buying another crypto then swapping to Monero can be essentially free.
I just wish it were on coinbase. But I get what you’re saying.
You can just purchase BCH, run it through CashFusion for privacy then swap for Monero. 👍
I swap Monero with another crypto on swap services like Exolix or simpelswap. It’s enough as for me
Fair enough. Thanks!
You can get upto 1.5xmr on RetoSwap with no security deposit