Ever been to a restaurant, ate a meal cooked by somebody other than yourself? Pre-made frozen meal? Fast food?
Dont want to sound mean or anything but most people are comfortable with having somebody else prepare a meal, so why is it different when you prepare it but somebody else tells you how to do it?
I almost always follow a new recipe the first time around to understand what the dish is generally supposed to be. After that, I start riffing off of it to make it what I want it to be. But you gotta know which general direction the dish was originally headed before you can successfully play with it if you’re a Home Gamer in the kitchen.
I take a look and say that might be interesting, then realize I have zero of those ingredients so I make something completely different that might be reminiscent of the food I wanted.
I had haddock, white wine and gala apples once, and asked ChatGPT to make me a slow cooker recipe. The results were… Surprisingly not bad. I don’t think I’ll ever do it again though.
And why I marinaded pork chops in frozen mixed berries that were sitting in my freezer for idk how long last night so the acid could break down and make the meat more tender. Will it end up okay? I have no idea… But I’ll find out in a couple hours when I make dinner haha
Follow up: didn’t do much for the texture except add flavor. Which was nice though, poured the marinade into the sauce pan I used for cauliflower/broccoli after it was done and brought the berries to a boil and added a bit of water, sugar and spices to boil it down into a sauce. Good change of pace
I usually try to stick reasonably closely to the recipe the first time I’m trying something out. That way if I don’t like the result, I know it’s not just that I ruined the recipe with my modifications.
Especially when there are so many absolute garbage recipes by people whose jobs are writing content for magazines or SEO where the only requirement is that the picture of the food look good and selling weird kitchen instruments.
Which is slightly better than our parents learning on recipes designed to use as many ingredients sold by Campbells as possible.
95% of recipes floating around these days just fundamentally misunderstand the dish they’re trying to create.
Blindly following recipes I will never get. How can you be comfortable with depending on a stranger’s whims for what you eat ?
Ever been to a restaurant, ate a meal cooked by somebody other than yourself? Pre-made frozen meal? Fast food?
Dont want to sound mean or anything but most people are comfortable with having somebody else prepare a meal, so why is it different when you prepare it but somebody else tells you how to do it?
I almost always follow a new recipe the first time around to understand what the dish is generally supposed to be. After that, I start riffing off of it to make it what I want it to be. But you gotta know which general direction the dish was originally headed before you can successfully play with it if you’re a Home Gamer in the kitchen.
I give them one try and the next time I do it my way.
I take a look and say that might be interesting, then realize I have zero of those ingredients so I make something completely different that might be reminiscent of the food I wanted.
I had haddock, white wine and gala apples once, and asked ChatGPT to make me a slow cooker recipe. The results were… Surprisingly not bad. I don’t think I’ll ever do it again though.
That is how you end up with spam gumbo. Which wasn’t as terrible as it sounds.
And why I marinaded pork chops in frozen mixed berries that were sitting in my freezer for idk how long last night so the acid could break down and make the meat more tender. Will it end up okay? I have no idea… But I’ll find out in a couple hours when I make dinner haha
Follow up: didn’t do much for the texture except add flavor. Which was nice though, poured the marinade into the sauce pan I used for cauliflower/broccoli after it was done and brought the berries to a boil and added a bit of water, sugar and spices to boil it down into a sauce. Good change of pace
I usually try to stick reasonably closely to the recipe the first time I’m trying something out. That way if I don’t like the result, I know it’s not just that I ruined the recipe with my modifications.
Especially when there are so many absolute garbage recipes by people whose jobs are writing content for magazines or SEO where the only requirement is that the picture of the food look good and selling weird kitchen instruments.
Which is slightly better than our parents learning on recipes designed to use as many ingredients sold by Campbells as possible.
95% of recipes floating around these days just fundamentally misunderstand the dish they’re trying to create.