There’s good reason to believe he’s using the charity Tunnels to Towers to squirrel away $16k a month to a self-titled LLC. Oldest grift in the book: embezzling from charity so you don’t have to quit drinking! Seriously though, he looks like he has suffered severely from his support of these fascist fucks, and it’s very clear how little he has to show for it. Wish some folks would look at him and realize that’s where they’re headed: left in a ditch to rot.
Edit: tentative source for reference
If only they would have gone after donvict as much as they went after his minions.
“I was holding it so it didn’t get lost,” he said. “I felt like it could get lost if it was turned over.”
When the judge asked if he understood that the watch was required to be turned over, he said he “wasn’t trying to hide it from anyone” and would give it up “if you can assure me you’ll put it in a safe place.”
Shit’s not yours anymore, Rudy. They can Sell it or smash it or do whatever the fuck they want with it. Is he really this stupid? The judge really needs to toss him in jail for a few days or something.
Dementia, man. Giuliani has completely checked out of reality.
Can they just throw him in prison in the meantime?
Well he would, wouldn’t he?