• Ms. ArmoredThirteen@lemmy.zip
    10 days ago

    My roommate and I used to date and I’m still in love with them. We’re making it work well but everything is messy

    I went through a lot of therapy to get past my fear of telling people I love them and getting broken up with shortly after, the day I was going to tell my now roommate I love them they broke up with me out of nowhere. We didn’t even date that long and the breakup was nearly a year ago and it still hurts. I don’t have many regrets in life but not telling them sooner is one of them

    I had lower surgery shortly after they broke up with me. I was so excited to have someone there for me emotionally and physically after surgery. Now I have nobody and I’m scared to have sex. I don’t know how to work past this and therapy hasn’t been helping

    I just want to be able to connect with someone without the crushing weight of trust issues around every corner. I miss being with my roommate so much, one of the happiest and most exciting relationships I’ve ever had