I know using a headset helps, but you’re still talking, so…Do you adjust the mic settings to pick up even as you speak quieter, or…?

How do you check to ensure you’re still audible enough to those on the other end if you do that?

Also this isn’t a shared room situation, so that helps, but I want to be sure I’m not being too loud.

Thanks for any advice!

  • PoopingCough@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    So, there’s a difference between sound absorption and soundproofing. Curtains and foam panels can do wonders for making your room sound better acoustically but won’t do much to lower the amount of sound getting out. The only way to actually soundproof is either by adding a bunch of mass (bricks/concrete blocks/mass loaded vinyl) or by creating air gaps (or some combination of the two). Conflating soundproofing and sound absorption is very common but they are different. . Paper egg cartons will do little to nothing for either sound absorption or soundproofing; this myth comes from old style sound absorption foam tiles that kinda looked like egg cartons and were therefore referred to as such.

    You’re absolutely right about sealing door gaps helping though.