Base Features

  • All Mod actions
  • Registration
  • report content
  • Searching instances past current linked
  • Interactive instance explorer, acts as a visual learning device for federation
  • Customize how any paginated content loads. Either via manual input/auto
  • Editing photos prior to upload (Avatar/Banner/Post)
  • IPFS settings allowed for custom setups and/or other services past infura
  • Marble allows for custom shader parameters and will be able to go past YouTube links
  • When Marble is activated, Feeds can turn into a Full Screen waterfall GUI, especially for communities whose content are primarily video links.
  • custom emoji editor
  • View and label moderators of communities
  • adjust styling of the keyboard toolbar, add more tools or the ability for users to customize tools
  • allow IPFS to be the content distributor for post links of images/video
  • allow users to remove loom watermark from shared image generations
  • enable engravings on shared content for users to verify original/authenticity of creators in-app
  • add share extension functionality to allow any images/links outside of the app (deeplinking) to be opened in app remotely via share modals
  • add Home Screen widget to observe content from looms
  • push notifications
  • different type sizes for expanded preview of post body content
  • remaining Localizations
  • alphabet slider for community scrolling
  • Add Base featureset/Bug log to settings or side bar
  • block communities
  • block keywords
  • translate content via action


  • a thread with breadcrumbs won’t update the footer action to reply to the target breadcrumb, remains on the parent
  • navigation stack doesn’t pop for 1 particular post. But is able to pop when using swipe gesture
    • may have been resolved in 2023.8.27 can’t reproduce
  • macOS and loading configuration to improve stability overall most issues may be intel specific
    • may have been resolved in 2023.8.28 needs more stress testing
  • macOS center modals on initial launch
  • proper error handling for failed content uploads. Such as when composing posts. Could be size issues.
  • paginated scroll view loading issues and/or more reactive state updates when tapped initially to attempt “try agains”
    • may have been resolved in 2023.8.28 can’t reproduce
  • need to run through all of iPad’s and Macs interaction and selectively identify uniqueness to each environment for certain flows.
  • profile loading logic from search
  • sync user stats on each load or via manual interaction
  • upvote icon does not migrate updated upvote data (related to current context needing to update)
  • refine springiness of modal, dismissal primarily esp with keyboard
  • refine search overall, all the interactions when executing queries, empty states and keyboard toolbar usability
  • swipe to drag to dismiss animation refinement of pushed views on navigation stack
  • weird interactions with menu buttons
  • remove bookmarks when signed out of the account
  • add toasts for successful content edits (Comments)
  • something is inconsistent with account restoration check recent (wait:) changes
  • bookmarks send postdisplayviews in style1. Discovered it to be the footer comment button that triggers this
  • when restoring config instance check account’s last logged in’s host.
  • editing post, spawns multiple toasts and does not persist removing post urls
    • this occurs after making a post, may be similar to actionable retainment issue in the profile case in 2023.8.28
  • profile replies are targetting an unknown user sometimes, again has to do with the actionable retainments above.
  • headline in feed view when viewing peer communities (Reproducible via entering from a loom)
  • expandedlayout creating a post replaces mainView, needs to spawn new window instead.
  • readability backdrop removed from the header elements on expanded layout’s feed header
  • padding in the modal drawer requires the background color to seamlessly blend. (Added .layer2 to the divider in build 2023.8.30)


  • Cleanup LinkPreview vs Contentmetadata
  • cleanup all preload() logics with the recent sharable changes
  • pexavc@neatia.xyzOPM
    1 year ago


    New Features:

    • add another option to reply to comments without having to swipe to reply (three dots button)
    • allow the modal to rest at a lower position
    • thread drawer appears everywhere
    • replying to thread pushes navigation window into modal stack
    • Post/Comment actions (three dots button) allow for thread viewing and replying
    • allow fetching comments in a thread of a post, from the source, base, peer locations


    • Censored posts in search do not trigger to view its content
    • share button in search does not work
    • search is reset when new account is logged into
    • Thread modals were not updating per breadcrumb
    • iPhone SE Bottom tab bar (devices with no notch)
    • strikethrough md helper was wrong amount of tildas
    • add timeout to Rich link preview fetching (feed could hang, otherwise)
    • macOS pager feed does not reset when entering a new community
    • When entering a post from a comment, the view is confused whether the context is the post or comment
    • Expand/raise drawer when keyboard is active