copy pasting the rules from last year’s thread:

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The other rules are made up aswe go along.

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  • Architeuthis@awful.systemsOP
    3 months ago

    My graph search solves 7-1 and passes the example cases for 7-2, but gives too low a result for the complete puzzle input, and there’s no way I’m manually going through every case to find the false negative. On to day 8 I guess.

    7-2 Check case by simple graph search that mostly works
    // F#
    let isLegit ((total: int64), (calibration : int64 array)) = 
        let rec search (index : int) (acc: int64) =
            let currentValue = calibration.[index]
            [Add; Times; Concat] // operators - remove 'Concat' to solve for 7-1
            |> List.exists (fun op -> // List.exists returns true the first time the lambda returns true, so search stops at first true
                    match op with // update accumulator
                    | Add -> acc + currentValue
                    | Times -> acc * currentValue
                    | Concat -> int64 (sprintf "%d%d" acc currentValue)
                    |> function // stop search on current accumulator value (state) exceeding total, or being just right
                    | state when state > total -> false
                    | state when state = total && index < (calibration.Length-1) -> false // this was the problem
                    | state when state = total && index = (calibration.Length-1) -> true
                    | state -> // stop if index exceeds input length, or continue search
                        if index+1 = calibration.Length
                        then false
                        else search (index+1) state
        // start search from second element using the first as current sum
        search 1 calibration.[0]

    EDIT: total && index < (calibration.Length-1) -> false – i.e. stop if you reach the total before using all numbers, well, also stops you from checking the next operator, So, removing it worked.

    Rubber ducking innocent people on the internets works, who knew.