🚒 iPhone vs Android 🚒

Round 394!

ok but in all seriousness, let’s say I want to send some SMS/RCS using my cell, but I want to do that from the computer… should be feasible?

iPhone’s iMessage: “we love our walled garden so much that NO ONE can send messages using a web interface, despite iMessage being an iCloud enabled app and the ecosystem having iCloud apps available online to any non-Mac – but we decided that iMessage alone should never be usable on the iCloud web interface (because reasons?)”

Android via Messages App: “sure thing fellow Happy Camper! here you go! https://messages.google.com/ and it’s just as secure as using the device itself.”

Best part… Android’s method WORKS ON FREEBSD!

#noFlameWarNeeded #iPhone #Android #mobileDevices #FreeBSD #Linux #Apple