In 1971, architect Michael Reynolds built a house out of beer cans, inspired by Walter Cronkite on the news. “He was talking about what we call climate change and global warming now. I was seeing all these beer cans tossed away and I’m saying, ‘why don’t we build out of beer cans and not trees?’” he told @BBCNews. His work was exhibited at the Louvre and MoMA, but he was largely regarded as a kook. Still, he persevered with his net-zero homes, which he dubbed Earthships. Now, you can vacation or live in one in Taos, New Mexico, have one built for you anywhere in the world, or learn to build your own. “There is an art side to them — I’ve played with the bottles as stained glass, and there’s the sculptural aspect. They are beautiful,” says Reynolds. “What’s really beautiful is they take care of people while taking care of the planet. There is not as much meaning in art as there is in a home.”
#Art #Design #Architecture #Homes #Lifestyle #SustainableDesign #ClimateChange #Environment