Oh, I’ve got fucking Cold urticaria. My body takes it personally if I go swimming in cold water, or don’t wear a heavy sweatshirt on a chilly day, or God forbid if my sheets are just a little bit cold and I’m not wearing wrist-to-ankle pajamas. It fucking sucks, and it didn’t even develop until I was in my thirties, so it’s not as if this something that I learned to live with so early that it’s second nature to me now. FUCK my fucking cold-activated histamines.
You could always chronic urticaria like me, and just spontaneously breakout for no aparent reason, but at least over the counter antihistamines keep it at bay, it’s hell if I forget to take it though.
Never caught it, or poison ivy for that matter. I think I’m one of the lucky ones that are immune.
I think I am too. Though, I’ve never gone out of my way to test it and the allergy can easily change with age.
The title had me like “What did those tiny carnivorous plants do now?” but no that’s Utricularia.