I saw some threads here about Telegram and piracy stuff being banned. So, as an experimental alternative, I created a public Signal group for piracy.

Maybe it’ll be useful?

Before joining

Signal supports usernames and hiding telephone numbers. Here’s a blog entry on how to do so. You might want to:

  • set a username
  • change your profile name (these are two separate things!)
  • hide your phone number
  • Negligent_Embassy@links.hackliberty.org
    6 days ago

    There is no evidence. safety is about staying multiple steps ahead and risk mitigation when possible.

    Centralized servers are a single point of failure that could be compromised in the future.

    My contact’s devices they use signal on are insecure and could be easily compromised in the future.

    SMS/Cell network in general are insecure as hell and I avoid it as much as possible.

    Why would I expose all that sensitive data when there’s literally no need to? Simplex works great for me.