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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/goodtitsnfatblunts on 2024-09-19 05:14:34+00:00.

I live alone in a studio. To make it feel bigger I separate the end of my mattress that isn’t facing the wall with a big tapestry. Sort of like a hospital curtain.

Was about to go to sleep and was laying down in bed on my phone. I wasn’t listening to any music or anything and after like 20 minutes of lights out and laying down I hear this panting right on the other side of my tapestry. It sounded like when a dog is sniffing really hard with its snout all up in a jar or whatever.

I turned on my flashlight without getting up first just to see if maybe a animal or something got in. I even said ‘Get out’ twice and the panting continued. But after that it almost seemed like they got more dragged out and breathy between pants. I also then started hearing shifting and almost like skittering over into my kitchen/bathroom area also conveniently out of my sight.

Eventually I got up and turned on the lights and it all stopped (except for occasional ‘house settling’ rustles now and then) and of course nothing was there. Nothing was out of place. No pests around. Sleeping with the lights on to say the least.