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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/snake7589 on 2024-09-18 05:56:17+00:00.

This story happened about to me back in 2020 before the pandemic started. I had been working as a FedEx delivery driver for about a year at this point. At the time I had been given a bigger area, one that included the downtown area of the city I lived in. Like many cities, our downtown area was not the best place to be day or night. For me it was just another day and growing up near the area I was no stranger to the area or the rough environment that I was working in. Because of that, not a lot would freak me out as I had dealt with shootings, homeless people, and the pretty frequent drug addicts. On the day this event happened it was just another day for me or so I thought it was.

I had made good time as I had been really familiar with my area. I had been given a package for a church on a busy main street that I had never been to before. I knew where it was and I also knew it was near a lot of homeless camps. This is an important detail as it will explain some of my actions. I made my way there around 2PM knowing that once I was done with this street I would have to shoot across town to do my pick ups for the day then head home. As I reached the church I locked up my truck and grabbed the package to enter the church. Now something of note here, I am not a very religious person (was force fed religion my whole life) and going to churches was not really my thing, but its work I had to. Anyways as I walked up to the church I noticed that the big huge double doors were wide open. At the time I didn’t think this strange as it was a poor area and it was a church, maybe they had opened the doors to allow people to come in for aid.

I made my way inside and was greeted by a giant mirror from floor to the ceiling and two more doors leading into the service area. I yelled out announcing I was FedEx and that I had a package for them. Typically I did this to avoid scaring anyone or freaking anyone out when I would walk into them. As I got no response I decided I would walk around looking for someone. to my left was a small entry way and I realized that it was the bathrooms. To my right was a dark hallway that I could see made a left at the end of it. I decided to that way as I figured that was where the offices may be and I could run into someone.

I continued down the hallway still yelling out that I was FedEx and that I had a package that needed to be signed for. As I made the left turn the hallway become even darker. I began to feel a sense of danger, but played it off because of the dark. As I went on I noticed a little light coming from the end of the hallway to the right. As I made my way through the door with the light shinning from underneath, I entered a courtyard with a bunch of dried up flowers and not very well taken care of. At this point across from me was another building that I figured maybe the staff was in there so I decided to check it out. When I opened the door I noticed it was pitch black inside. I yelled out a few more times to make my presence known , and made my way inside. As the door closed behind me I realized it had become pitch black inside and I pulled out my cellphone to use as a flashlight. Straight ahead of me was a fire exit and I noticed another hallway on the left as I made my way there with my dim little light I called out again. This time I was greeted by some slamming of some doors. Instantly my body tensed up and the fear that was building up was reaching an all time high. I decided that if there was somebody in here and they heard me they can come fine me in the front at my truck. I also knew with the doors being wide open as they were, I could be walking into a homeless person or worse waiting for me in the dark.

At this point I began making my way back outside into the court yard and back into the main part of the church. Freaked out, I remember making my way down the hallway and into the main part of the building. I felt heavy and a wave of sorrow came over me. I felt as if something had grabbed my shoulders and I felt like I was trying to walk through a swamp. The last thing I remember was a sense of dread coming over me.

The next thing I remember, I was back in my truck about half a mile away from the church in a random neighborhood. The package I had was in the seat next to me and I was covered in sweat and crying. I am not a super emotional person and crying is not something I do very often. I felt terrible as if everything around me was hopeless and meaningless. When I checked my phone I noticed that it was almost 3PM and I had lost a hour of time. Not knowing what to do I called my girlfriend and my bestfriend because I was freaking out and didn’t know what had happened to me. To this day I refuse to go inside that church even if it would cause me to get in trouble. To this day I still feel really uneasy about that place and even though I have moved away from that city I find myself thinking about it more often then I feel like I should.

I have experienced other events in the past, but nothing like this and those events feel like that they had someway of being explained. This however I have no explanation for. I am still not sure how I got to my truck and managed to drive a half a mile away and not remember a thing about it. Has anyone else experience time loss events like this or have any idea what exactly I experienced?