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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/isotopestringcheese on 2024-09-18 00:38:59+00:00.

So i bought my house in January of 2023, its a brand new build so first owner. Nothing spooky happened until i gave birth in July of 2023 and brought my baby home. I tell these stories a lot but ive only made a reddit post about my childhood experiences so i figured its time for these!

I was home alone while on maternity leave and my baby woke up for a bottle one morning, i leave the room to go make it in the kitchen and all i hear is a deep mans voice saying something, super quick like one word. Then my baby stopped crying. So i finish making the bottle and i walk in the room and hes staring off (as babies do lol) but happy as a clam. I said “thanks ghostman!” And went about my day- that story is the birth of what we call “ghostman” in our house.

I dont spook easily since i grew up in a haunted house and lived at my neighbors haunted house after highschool, so im used to it. But my fiance gets scared easily. We had one of those graco swings for our baby and one night while my fiance was feeding our dogs, the graco swing turned on by itself and started swinging, lowest level but still freaked him out. We hadnt used that swing in a few days so i know it was turned off all the way.

Another instance with my fiance. We bought one of those motion sense baby monitors for the nursery but at this time, baby was still sleeping in a crib in our bedroom so we didnt use it. The camera was in the nursery and the monitor was plugged in at my fiances desk so we could test out the range. One day i saw it was fully unplugged from the wall and i asked him why? He said the motion sense kept turning the screen on when no one/nothing was in there so he got scared and unplugged it (he said not today ghostman). We quickly realized ghostman was obsessed with our baby and his nursery.

So fast forward a few weeks, my fiances parents visited and stayed in our guest bedroom which is right next to the nursery. At this time again, baby is still sleeping in our bedroom. So we all were sitting on the couch one morning and my FIL asked how we slept, i said fine. He said “really? I heard you guys in and out of the nursery all night?” Me and my fiance looked at each other, super confused, cuz we knew neither of us had to go in there for anything that night. I told my FIL it wasnt us and he got very serious and said “no! I heard one of you walk over there, open and close the door and rummage through and then leave again at least 3 times!”. We were like sorry dude, its ghostman.

I have quite a bit more but this is already long. So if anyone wants to hear more i can add. Activity has died down the past few months but still happens every once in a while.