Let’s talk about something something blue.

What is the scene in a videogames that you consider the saddest moment in your gaming life (aka: where gamers cried)?

For me it was Dom’s death in Gears of War 3.
Such an amazing scene after a crescendo of emotions during the first three chapters of the saga


#Gaming #Videogames #VideogamesSaddestMoment #WhereGamersCried #Gamer #Gamers


    • NaClKnight is Black online!@c.im
      4 days ago

      @innkeeper@gamerstavern.online It’s one of my favorite series of all time and my favorite shooter, flat out.

      Reach is my favorite game in the series, but I’ll admit i think it works so well because your team of Gen 3 Spartans are exceptional but aren’t singular forces of destruction like Master Chief is.

      It’s a good subversion of the classic Halo formula once you know what to expect from Chief

      I think Reach has the best story