I’m heiferlips. I’m just average middle aged white trash. I listen to country and bluegrass mostly but I’m not bro country. I am from a southern state in the US. I work a traditional American blue collar job. I am just a dumb liberal who wants to be a socialist. I used to watch Fox News when I was younger. My politics aren’t cohesive and I’m mostly just a jackass. Typical ex /r/CTH user in that regard. I’m willing to take criticism in an effort to be a better person.

My name is what I used to call a IRL milk cow that lived in the pasture next to us growing up. This is also an alt, but I decided to ditch my main. I decided when I ‘accidentally’ deleted my account and I can’t get into any longer. I’d ask about how to fix that but I don’t really care enough to do something about it. Astute chapos might recognize my bad politics and my music posting preferences from my main account but whatever, im just another nobody on the internet.

I’m just here for posts from people much smarter than I, and some cool left-wing meems. And also cats. And birds. And struggle sessions. And defederation posts.