oh boy. i just found my academic records published on my old CS department’s server 🤣

back in 1997 when i was a snot nosed first year university student, i was planning on becoming a CS student.

the first requirement of the degree was CMPUT 114: Introduction to Computer Science.

the course was pretty straightforward: learn how to code and solve problems with Turbo Pascal 7 in a lab, while learning about data structures and bubble search and encapsulation in class.

unfortunately, that same semester, Ultima Online launched. 12 of my 14 hours a day were spent playing UO, leaving a few minutes for completing assignments.

i have circled the assignments i missed, and final exam which i did not study for because i was trying to GM my swordsman in UO 🤣

#ultima #uo #retroGaming

    • Jens@ruhr.social
      16 days ago

      @vga256@dialup.cafe I always wanted to make a single player UO too, but knowing how time consuming scripting game systems is (even with Sphere’s great scripting language) I never dared to start such a project. :-)